Dr Thankis Immune Booster

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1 Pouch (100 g)

As in this world there is too much pollution and people are taking junk foods and oily and unhealthy products which did not give proper nutrition hence lack of immunity is found in almost everyone Lack of immunity also cause lung disease and skin disease and become lean and thin showing absolute unhealthy person.

  • AYURVEDIC TREATMENT FOR AIDS And Protection For Swine Flu, Ebola, Corona, and Unidentified Viruses


    As in this world, there is too much pollution, and people are taking junk foods and oily and unhealthy products which did not give proper nutrition; hence lack of immunity is found in almost everyone.

    Lack of immunity also causes lung disease and skin disease due to its people looks lean and thin, showing an unhealthy person. 

    The brightness on the face shows the condition of a healthy person. Due to lack of immunity, the below mentioned occurred in person:- 

    1. HIV AIDS
    2. Swine Flu
    3. Ebola
    4. Corona

    & some more crucial virus which are when reaches to severity leads person upto death.

    Tests for the immunity system: 

     There is a medical test as a cd4 count to identify the protection of a person. It develops resistance to fight with unhealthy germs and bacteria to save us from diseases. 

    As it has a nature to destroy unhealthy and unidentified germs, bacteria and viruses hence give immunity to patients sufferer of these types of cruciality.

    As in long research, we found it can develop immunity as well. It shows the tremendous result of weight gaining in all kind of patients and general persons who want to put on weight. 

    Dosages For Immune System Booster:-

    To prevent & initial stage of above mentioned crucial diseases:-

     For Adults:- 1 tsp twice a day with water 

    For Children:- 1/2 tsp twice a day

    For Infant:- 1/4 tsp twice a day by making a paste with Honey and lick on the tongue

     The person who want to have weight gain boys above 14 years, girls, above 13 yrs:-

    1 tsp thrice a day with water 

    Those who suffer from such type of disease written in above mentioned any of disease:-

    1tsp of immune booster thrice a day with water


    Dr. Thanki's Tum Can capsules  

    Two capsules thrice a day with water to get a fast and better result.

    Precautions in HIV AIDS affected person:-

    1. He must avoid unprotected sex should not take any reused syringe to take any injection for medical aid. 
    2. Avoid spicy, junk foods, and stale food.


    Precautions in Swine Flu, Ebola, Skin Psoriasis,Corona and such type any germs,bacteria&viruses affected person:-

    1. Avoid being a part of the crowd.

    2. Avoid handshake.

    3. Avoid travelling to save others.

    4. Keep distance with anyone minimum 1 meter

    5. Should touch their clothes and object to prevent others

    6. Avoid sexual activity.

    7. Should sanitize or wash hands with soap regularly.

    8. Should keep handkerchief while coughing or sneezing.

    9. Do not take spicy, junk food & stale food  


    Key ingredients     

    Curcuma Longa

    Tribulus Terrestris

    Gymnema Sylvestre


    Disclaimer: The result may vary from person to person.

    from the desk of Chairman

    What is the Immune System:-

    The resistance power to fight with unwanted or unhealthy or causing acute disease by any germs,bacteria&viruses. The Immune system of every person is liable to keep health, thus boost energy to spend a healthy and prosperous life.

    How to improve/healthy Immune system:-

    Every person has to keep a healthy immune system, so he must follow instructions written above. By adding this product, he can boost the immune system.

    What effects of the weak immune system:

    If a person having an ill immune system may feel himself as patient hence feel always inactive in performing his duties and business, job, etc. A lot of acute diseases may affect him even he can suffer from severe illness. The harmful germs, bacteria, viruses can enter his body quickly, which leads to the cause of death.


    How does this product work:-

    As we know, every cell is consists of two layers and a nucleus. Two layers are Glyco Protein and Lypo protein layer. In most of the cells, the outer layer of cells is made of the Glyco Protein layer, whereas in these types of crucial germs, bacteria or viruses consist of the Lypo Protein layer. Hence, it is tough to penetrate it to destroy cells.

    This product consists of three herbs as a combination. Its active ingredient can dissolve the Lypo protein layer than quickly reaches to kill the nucleus. It means it decreases the counting of these unhealthy germs bacteria and viruses, so the patient is feeling better. More extended periods in the taking of it may remove the disease.


    Treatment of Corona Virus

    All viruses consist of protein cover layer and inner nucleus. The corona virus reproduces when come in contact with host cells.

    Structure of virus:

    1.  Glycoprotein layer
    2.  Lypoprotein layer
    3.  Nuecleus

    Almost  viruses are found to contain Glycoprotein as outer layer and Lypoprotein as inner layer, but in the corona virus the outer layer is Lypoproteiin layer which is very difficult to destroy to kill the virus.

    Researchers from our company have successfully found the herbal medicine for this virus from our world renowned Ayurveda medicine in the name of Dr. Thanki’s Immune Booster.

    Our  product is a combination of three herbs in which each herb has a specific role to destroy the  three major parts of the structure of  the virus..

    Key Ingredients

    Gymnema Sylvestre

    Tribulus Terrestris

    Curcuma Longa

    Line of Action on Virus:

    Tribulus Terrestis has got such biochemical which can destroy outer protein cover easily.

    1. Saponin Glycosides:-
    1. Diogenin
    2. Rucogenin
    3. Gitogenin

          B. Alkaloids-

    1. Harmine
    2. Harman                    

         C.  Flavone glycoside:-

    1. Disogenin ---steroidal saponin(4-6%)
    2. Enzyme Sapoginase
    3. Glycoides and phenolic compond

    These chemical are found in this herb alone Disogenin ---steroidal sapponin is capable of reacting and dissolving the  Lypoprotein layer.

    Gymnema Sylvestre has some bio chemicals which can destroy the inner protein layer as glycoprotein layer.

    1. Hentriacontane
    2. Pentriacontine
    3. Phytin
    4. Resin
    5. Tartric acid
    6. Formic acid
    7. Butyric acid
    8. Mucilage
    9. Inocitol
    10. d-quircitilol
    11. Gymnemic acid
    12. Anthroquinone deravatives
    13. Triterpene Saponin

    Only Gymnemic acid has capacity to dissolve inner protein layer made of glycoprotein.

    Curcuma Longa is well known as antibiotic which destroy the nucleus.

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