Dr Thankis Pilex Powder

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1 Pouch (100 g)

Best Ayurveda Herbal medicine for piles ,airy piles,bleeding piles,fissure,fistula,bleeding from nostril, Excess bleeding from vagina.

  • Ayurvedic medicine for piles

    Dr Thankis Pilex Powder is superb Ayurveda Herbal medicine helpful in piles, Airy piles, Bleeding piles, fissure, Fistula, bleeding from nostrils, Excess bleeding from the vagina.

    The product name Pilex itself indicates that works for diseases related to piles. It helps in all kinds of Piles, Fistula, and relevant complications. For those who are suffering from problems of airy Piles due to constipation, our herbal medicine will help them in relief in a very short period of time. 

    It works equally for both men and women.

    Avoid intake: 

    Curd, Buttermilk, Fast food, Spicy food, and Oily food. 


    As prescribed.

    Special: The disease “naksir” means blood coming out of nostrils, which could be controlled by this medicine, and if the patient takes it for six months, chances of re-occurrence are very less.

    This medicine is very much useful to females having issues of heavy bleeding during mensuration to control it.

    Key Ingredients


    Mesua ferrea

    Piper nigrum

    Aegle marmalose

    Plumbago zeylanica

    Terminalia chebula

    Zingiber officinale

    Aegle marmelos fruit

    Piper retrofractum

    Holarrhena Antidysenterica

    Amorphophallus campanulatus


    Disclaimer: The result may vary from person to person

    From the desk of the chairman

    In the current era, the so-called modern lifestyle and work culture are such that people are getting very little time to take proper diet and sleep. Especially in urban cities, the habit of eating junk foods like pizza, burgers etc is increasing day by day. Also, it has been seen that the required time gap between night meals and sleep is not maintained properly. Eating low fibre food, low nutrition food, a large amount of cheese, drinking less water etc. leads to constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.

    The combination of these may cause acute constipation, which may become the cause of piles in the future.

    Ignorance of it may convert into Fissure or Fistula, and the condition of the sufferer becomes more terrible and the treatment also goes for a more extended period.

    Females are having a thin membrane in between the anus and vagina. In some acute cases of Fistula, it has been found that in some sufferers it became so critical that stool(toilet) started moving out of the vagina from the leakage in the membrane due to damages made by Fistula.

    In advanced medical science, there is no medicinal treatment found to take off such a chronic situation. The only way suggested is an invasive way with no assurance of curing. Our herbal medicine "Dr Thanki's Pilex powder can help in relieving the sufferers in some kind of such cruciality as well.

    The advanced stage of simple piles is bleeding piles, and the advanced stage of bleeding piles is Fistula or Fissure. "Dr Thanki's Pilex Powder" works on everyone suffering from these types of problems in all gender types.

    Note: Also since our product is anti haemorrhoid in nature, so it may help in bleeding from the uterus or nose as well.

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