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Patient Age : 27 years old
Date : 30-03-2014
Patient Detail
Name | Age | Address |
Vansh Jat | 27 | Bagpat U.P. |
VANSH Renal Failure KIDNEY FAILURE Patient Review:-
Reviews of “Vansh Jat”
My name is Vansh Tomar s/o Suresh Pal, Bawli tehsil Baraut U.P. My cast is Jaat (Hindu). My all families member are a farmer and mostly their work-related from agriculture. My age is 27 years. I gave my L.L.B. exam in July 2014. While I have been giving the exam of 9th semester in January then, suddenly I felt weakness in my body so then, I went to a private hospital of Badot for advice. They found that I have a cold and cough. I got no benefit from that medicine. Now there was my exam on January 27.
Right now I take the exam, mild nausea, splitting headache and complained of mild dizziness so, after that, I went to another doctor to get advice. When they checked my blood pressure, he found that it was on a too high level (240/150) and that day I missed my exam. After that, I went to Dr Anil Jain, a respected hospital of Badot whose name was "Aastha bhati Speciality Hospital". First, the doctor tested my heart x-ray and Echo and E.C.G. test when my reports came than the doctor told me that" you heart was failed and operation is must needful for your life".
After that, on February 9 2014, I came to Delhi. I did all necessary tested from a Govt. hospital "Jag Pravesh" of Shastri park and after saw my reports the doctor told me that" there is no any problem in your heart, but your kidney is damaged". Then he referred me to "Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital but, I thought my problem was more serious so, I went a private hospital "Sir Ganagram Hospital and doctor Manish malik started my treatment, and again he tested my necessary reports. After that, he found that my blood urea is ( 286), cretin (11.0) and uric acid (12.05). After that, he also got my sonography; he found that my both kidney were shrinking and 95% have stopped working. The doctor then advised me of an early kidney transplant. Then we check and approve all transplants try to obtain the necessary proceedings began so under this, my father wanted to donate his one kidney. We need permission of district officer and C.M.O. After permission on February 14 2014, I was admitted in hospital and started my dialysis. During this process, I also tested from other hospitals like" Sant Parmanand from Delhi, Fortis Hospital from Noida and Vedanta Hospital from Gurgaon, but the result came the same. Yet February 28 2014, my dialysis was seven times.
After that, we got information about "Vishla Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. Bikaner (Raj.) from my known person. So on March 2, I reached there, and I met Doctor Rajkumar Kochar. I told them my all problems so, he tested my all necessary reports and also sonography. He found out in my reports that my kidney stopped worked and from another report showed that my uric acid was (12.2), cretin(708) and blood urea (192). It was my first checks in this institute on March 3 2014. My treatment was started from doctor Rajkumar Kochar, and I began to take medicines. After that, again he checked me on March 4, 2014, and found out that uric acid(11.9), cretin(7.6) and blood urea(190.2) and I have been taking medicines. Still, I made a mistake: the doctor advised me that medicine takes a dose, but I have taken it with water after that take dose, so medicine did not work.
March 5 was re-examined when the uric acid (11.0), cretin (80.2) and Blood Urea have increased instead of decreasing, so the doctor was worried about it and asked me how you are taking medicine then I said that with water and after taking Anupaan. Then the doctor told me that "it is wrong because in this way the medicines will not work correctly with its nature, so take it with Anupaan. After it, I have been taking all medicine regularly as per the doctor said. Now its time was for my next reports came like below:-
- 1. 8 march 2014 -Uric acid(9.8),cretin(7.8) and blood urea(184.2).
- 2. 11 march 2014 -Uric acid(9.0),cretin(7.4) and blood urea(178.0).
- 3. 13 march 2014 -Uric acid(7.4),cretin(7.4) and blood urea(114.0).
- 4. 18 march 2014 -Uric acid(6.3),cretin(5.9) and blood urea(98.0).
- 5. 22 march 2014 -Uric acid(4.8),cretin(4.2) and blood urea(82.0).
- 6. 24 march 2014 -Uric acid(4.1),cretin(3.8) and blood urea(77.0).
- 7. 28 march 2014 -Uric acid(3.3),cretin(2.4) and blood urea(66.0).
I got a fever on March 29, 2014, after checking me out and showed that typhoid. So I tested again like below:-
- 1. April 1, 2014, and found that urea -54 creatinine -4.9 and uric acid 5.7
- 2. April 2 2014, and found that urea 79.50-creatinine - 6.9 and uric acid-2.56 and during this my weight was decreased.
- 3. April 11, 2014, and found that blood urea-92.76) creatinine-6.27 and uric acid-2.50
Now my fever had missed improved and taking my medicine regularly. And now the result was like below after another tested:-
- 1. April 15 2014, and found that blood urea 72.00-creatinine - 6.4 and uric acid-6.7 and during this my weight was decreased.
- 2. April 21 2014, and found that blood urea-47.00 creatinine-5.9 and uric acid-8.3 and during this, my weight was decreased.
- 3. August 22 2014, and found that blood urea-69.00creatnine-1.8and uric acid 8.3 and during this, my weight was decreased.
It was good, and I am working my all dally work properly and living my life happily.
Palace:-Bikaner -: From:-
Date:- 13.10.2014
More Patient Stories About : Chronicle Disease, CKD, CRF, Kidney Failure, Renal Failure