Deepak Gautam

Deepak Gautam
Story Title : DEEPAK GAUTAM-45yrs-kidney transplant-e-coli present more than 1 lakh when come
Patient Age : 45 years old
Date : 29-05-2017

I Deepak Gautam residing at Baraut as I was sick from childhood but after 14-15 years, it was some good. In 1995 in April or May, I lost appetite. The dr advised to check-in blood test found Hb was less and blood urea and s creatinine was increasing.

Then I went to nephrologist after checking he advised my kidney is damaged and require transplant though that time my urine was passing my blood pressure was normal; my sugar level was normal. After one year, the kidney transplanted as my mother donated a kidney to me.

After that transplant, I was always checking my reports and never come abnormal but last year found pus cells in urine. So I went to check urine culture in that found E-coli bacteria the dr given so many antibiotics but it never less and at last reaches to more than 1 lac bacteria of E Coli. During that time one of my friends advised me to go to Dr Raj Kumar Kochar in Bikaner I took an appointment and came here on 14.5.2017 I have shown my reports the dr again made some reports of blood urine and USG abdomen. On 15th he started medicine Dr Thanki's Tum Can Capsule and the information will come on 17 May then I will write more. As my nephrologist told me that it could remove only, it can maintain.

In USG abdomen cyst was found I went to a dr b lal in Bikaner and started medicine from them for a cyst.

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